President’s Report after the Board Meeting July 20, 2017

President’s Report after the Board Meeting July 20, 2017

Note: Not official Meeting Minutes, but rather my thoughts following the July Board Meeting —President Larry Dittloff Other Trustees present: Lavack, Obie, Nuesca, Luke, and Tremper Open Forum: One owner questioned why the Board had targeted an older home owner...
FIRST DRAFT: Proposed 4th Amended Declaration of ByLaws and CCRs

President’s Report for the Board Meeting of June 29, 2017

Note: Not Official Meeting Minutes but Rather my thoughts following the Board Meeting of June 29, 2017 —President Larry Dittloff Board Members Present: Bradley, Dittloff, Greeley, LaVack, Luke, Nuesca, Obie and Tremper The Board heard several presentations during its...

Revised ACC Application for CCGCE Homeowners

In April, 2017, the Board approved the new, improved ACC/Architectural Control Committee Permit Application. All projects that change the appearance of the house/lot, require you to fill out and have the attached form submitted for approval. Please download,...