President’s Letter From October 2016 Meeting

President’s Letter From October 2016 Meeting

Larry Dittloff’s President’s Letter to the CCGCE after Board Meeting of 10/20/2016 (Not official meeting minutes, but rather my thoughts following the Board Meeting) —President Larry Dittloff Open Forum At the request of the membership the Board moved its...
President Larry Dittloff’s Report July 22, 2016

President Larry Dittloff’s Report July 22, 2016

The President’s Letter. Not an official Meeting Minutes, but rather my thoughts following the monthly Board Meeting. —President Larry Dittloff Open Owner Forum Several Association members asked why the Board hired Vantage Management and if the Board had authority to...
Members Ask the Board: What’s the Advantage  With Vantage?

Members Ask the Board: What’s the Advantage With Vantage?

Why Did We Hire Vantage Community Management? At the June 2016 board meeting, several homeowners asked the Board and officers why a management company was hired to run the day-to-day organization of our association—when in prior years it was all handled by neighbors...

CCGCE Reserve Fund Study Meets State HOA Requirements

Per WA State Law, our board hired Association Reserves, LLC., to complete a Reserve Fund Study for our HOA What is a Reserve Study? It is the art and science of anticipating and preparing for an association’s major common area repair and replacement expenses. In...