by CCGCE HOA | May 23, 2023
Rural residents in the three locations in Pierce and Thurston counties identified as possible sites for a new airport larger than Sea-Tac Airport can rest easy: No airport is coming their way. —Seattle Times Aerospace Reporter, Dominic Gates | May 15, 2023 | Updated...
by CCGCE HOA | May 22, 2023
On May 22, 2023, Everson Asphalt Paving started installing four new speed bumps at Capitol City Golf Club Estates. The bumps are designed to match existing ones at Capitol and to meet all prescribed safety standards. The final painting of the bumps is scheduled to be...
by CCGCE HOA | May 16, 2023
Last night, on May 14th at approximately 8:00 pm, a driver veered off Rainier Road and hit a Capitol City house at the corner of 66th and Rainier Road. The house was severely damaged with the family dog being killed that was inside of the house at the time of the...
by CCGCE HOA | May 8, 2023
Catch up on the news and upcoming activities at CapCity this Spring ’23! The CCGCE Mixer has been scheduled—mark your calendars! Also, new landscaping policies are coming, along with a lift in the local campfire ban after 30 plus years. —President Larry...
by CCGCE HOA | May 2, 2023
President Dittloff, HOA Officers & Trustees met for their Board of Directors Meeting in April. Below is a PDF copy of the Agenda. —President Larry Dittloff Download & print this agenda. Note: You will need to have a copy of the free reader, Adobe Acrobat...
by CCGCE HOA | Mar 28, 2023
President Dittloff, HOA Officers & Trustees met for their March 16th Board of Directors Meeting. Below is a PDF copy of the Agenda. —President Larry Dittloff, CCGCE HOA Download & print this agenda. Note: You will need to have a copy of the free reader, Adobe...