President Dittloff’s Letter to Members: Sept. 2016

by | Sep 9, 2016

President’s Letter to CCGCE after Board Meeting of 9/8/2016 (Not official meeting minutes, but rather my thoughts following Board Meeting).

—President Larry Dittloff

Open Forum

  • A revised format for the Open Forum was introduced that allows for more dialogue between the Board and the Membership. The forum will begin at 6:00 pm and last until 6:30pm when the regular Board meeting will be called to order.
  • The Board definitely listens to the membership and our ongoing changes in our relationship with Vantage are reflective of that input.
  • A comment was heard about the inactivity of the Neighborhood Watch Program.
  • The Board also heard a complaint that Vantage does not communicate well with e-mails and phone calls being answered very slowly or not at all. The Board is well aware of this problem and working actively with Vantage to correct this situation. The new Board written Courtesy letter is a tangible example of progress in that area along with a new Thank You Letter which will be sent to members once a compliance project has been completed.
  • I have also been actively going out in the community and listening to the membership and obtaining input on a variety of issues ranging from lawn care to crime.
  • Last night, the Board heard concerns about Lacey annexing CCGCE. I placed the City of Lacey on the Agenda at their request and the Board has taken no other action on this issue.
  • The Board also recognizes that the association is going through a transition from the Board, on its own, attempting to get members to follow the CCR’s with minimal success to one of having a systematic approach to those compliance issues. The Board is working with Vantage to refine that process with much better communication which has been the consistent complaint about our management company. The compliance aspect of the Board’s work is by far the most challenging and difficult and we are attempting to make that task not so much “in your face”. The Board also recognizes that a few members do not want any covenants, conditions or restrictions enforced. The Board knows that we all accepted those terms upon the purchase of our homes and the purpose for the adherence to those same CCR’s is to maintain our property values. Even some of our past critics admit that the looks of our community are improving with the Board’s approach using a management company.

City of Lacey

  • Rick Walk, Director of Community Development, made a half hour presentation to the Board regarding the possible attempt of the City to annex Capitol City Golf Course Estates. Highlights of that presentation include:
    • City of Lacey already surrounds CCGCE on three sides.
    • Combined Property and Utility Taxes will increase by about $176.00 on a $250,000 house with annexation.
    • The CCGCE streets would remain private and there would not be a need for sidewalks and  un licensed golf carts could continue to use the streets
    • City is not planning on making residents convert from septic tanks to City sewers as there are many examples, now, in the City of Lacey where communities still use septic tanks.
    • CCGCE would be protected by Lacey Police which already has a precinct office in the immediate area
    • Annexation will not affect school district boundaries.
    • CCGCE members could get involved with the political process of Lacey City Government.
    • Annexation will not change the need for having a homeowners association at CCGCE.
    • Lacey will set up a time, in the near future, to repeat this presentation to the membership at a place and time yet to be determined.

Other Board Actions

  • The Board approved a new Front Yard Cut-Out Parking Area Policy with that document being attached, herein. Highlights of this policy include:
    • Current Association CCR’s already state that no new driveway or parking area shall be repaired or remodeled on any lot until construction plans, specifications, materials and plat plan showing the location of the driveway or parking area have been submitted and approved by the ACC process.
    • Front yard cut outs must be adjacent to existing driveways
    • Existing front yard cut outs that do not comply with this new policy will not be penalized (they are Grand Fathered in)
    • Several Board members dislike all cut outs as they feel that they detract from the overall community. However, the Board recognizes that our streets are narrow and that many members have recreational vehicles and the planners of CCGCE, over 50 years ago, did not envision the necessity for additional parking.
  • The Board accepted and approved Association Reserves WA, LLC’s audit of the financial statement of the CCGCE Association for the year that ended December 31, 2015.
  • The Board approved an amount not to exceed $3,500 for the painting of most of the CCGCE speed bumps in an attempt to maintain the 15 MPH speed limit. The Roads/Signs Committee is also discussing adding higher profiled speed bumps at certain known locations such as Sarazen where known speeding does occur.
  • The Board is in the process of again reviewing all street and traffic signs as a number needed to be cleaned and replaced.
  • The Board approved a new Courtesy Compliance Letter which it wrote for Vantage’s use. This letter clearly states that the purpose is to keep our collective properties in excellent condition to enhance our property values. This new letter also spells out a fine schedule and asks members to contact us to work out alternative schedules if there is a special situation or condition that precludes the compliance dates as we will work with you!
  • The Board also heard a report regarding the “side buildings” that are present at the CCGCE. It was reported that under 20.07.30 of the Thurston County Code all permanent buildings which are the house and any structures physically attached to the house must maintain a minimum distance of 20’ from the right-of-way and 10’ from the right of way of any flanking street (corner lot houses) and 10’ from side  and rear yard property boundaries. This rule also applies to any additional unattached structure that is over 120 square feet. All structures of less than 120 square feet do not have to maintain those minimum setbacks. These buildings, which are typically for golf carts or for lawn equipment, are considered temporary and may actually be placed next to property lines. It was stated, again, that anyone wishing to build such a structure is required to first obtain an ACC.
  • Vantage and the Board have started the process of constructing a new budget for 2017. This year’s budget did not provide for a newsletter but it is hoped that next years could as some of the membership do not use computers for obtaining information about the Association.
  • The Storm Drains are being cleaned by Precision Drain Service
  • The Annual Meeting is currently scheduled for November 17th at the Jacob Smith Hall with one of the topics to be discussed will be this year’s Reserve Study and its implications.


Larry Dittloff, President
Capitol City Golf Club Estates
Olympia, WA

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