Larry Dittloff’s President’s Letter After Dec 22, 2016 Meeting

by | Dec 28, 2016

Not official Meeting Minutes, but rather, my thoughts following the meeting

—President Larry Dittloff

In Attendance: Obie, Luke, Nuesca, Lavack, Dittloff and Greely

Absent: Tremper, Aldridge and Bradley

New Executive Positions for 2017

President Larry Dittloff

Vice President Darrelyn Nuesca

Treasurer Yet to be Determined

Secretary Ed Obie

Committee Reports

I indicated that I would be appointing Committee Chairs this week with those committees being made up with the advice and consent of the new Committee Chairs.

Architectural: Darrelyn Nuesca reported several Architectural Control Committee (ACC) applications had been submitted and were approved in short order. The Board also discussed the fact that some owners have expressed concerns about the necessity to file ACC’s. The consensus of the Board is that the CCR’s clearly state that any construction can not take place without the plans, specifications, materials, and a plat plan showing the location of the structure, driveway, parking area, fence or wall have been submitted and approved by the Architectural Control Committee. Up until the Enforcement Policy passing on June 1, 2015 the act of submitting an ACC before construction was viewed by many as voluntary or forgotten with the other home purchase documents. The Board sees a necessity to follow the CCR’s, as they were written, for the simple reason of protecting property values and the integrity of the neighborhood.

Compliance/Enforcement: Ed Obie led the discussion on several Lots. I asked Vantage about a lot as the owner is disputing the violation. Vantage indicated that a letter had been sent in reply but had not heard back from the owner because they are in Arizona. The Board also discussed the application of the new Cut Out Policy. Everyone was reminded that the CCR’s prohibit the Board from acting retroactively on new policies and as such all existing Cut Outs were acceptable by the present CCR’s but they still had to comply with the maintenance conditions of the existing CCR’s. I also stated that we can all notice old items on lots that are not in compliance with the CCR’s but that we had to look forward as it is the Association’s own fault that it did not effectively enforce its rules in the past. All new Cut Outs will have to be in compliance with the new policy.

Roads and Signs: I reported that our contractor was able to paint six speed bumps on Sarazan and Hogan but that the weather is preventing them from completing the others until more favorable weather in 2017. I also state d that Tom LaVack and I had looked at additional speed bars as a way to slow down traffic to 15 mph. I also inquired about the progress of a contractor who has agreed to clean and repair community traffic signs. Vantage reported that they have made several inquiries about the progress of the work to no avail.  I indicated if the contractor is unwilling or unable to perform the work that we should seek out another. The current contractor was to have completed all the identified work by January 1st.  I sais that I was going to speak to PSE about the retrofit of our street lighting to more energy efficient luminaries.

 Welcome: Vantage sends out a packet when they are informed of a new owner. There is no longer a Welcome Chair.

Treasurer’s Report: Vantage gave this month’s report but in the future, the Treasurer will give this report as it is the Board’s responsibility to clearly understand and oversee the financials of our organization. This will be the key job of the new 2017 Treasurer. Vantage also indicated that they have a course for new Treasurers so that they can have a complete understanding of Vantage’s financial report. Vantage reported that we have $37,582.66 in our operations check book, $147,486.60 in the Reserve Fund and $76,243.81 in Accounts Receivable. I also expressed a desire to see the monthly budget/income figures more clearly stated. As of the 30 November Statement we had a budget overage of ($13,691.00) over an original amount of $68,170 Yearly Budget. Several under budgeted items like legal, drain cleaning and web site were the cause of that deficit. However, income billings if all paid will more than cover those overages. Currently there is $76,243.81 in the Accounts Receivable category.

Old Business:

Vantage has sent out notices for copies of all Rental Agreements as allowed by the CCR’s. The purpose of that request is help us have a better understanding of the compliance process and in the formulation of new CCR’s and By Laws. To date only about six agreements have been submitted. It is believed that up to 25% of the homes in the community are being rented.

A new Board Member expressed concerns as to why there had not been any newsletters as of late. I explained that the Budget we are working on did not provide for one but that next year’s budget will for, at least two, along with our expanded web and Facebook sites.

The Board rescinded, by a unanimous vote, Bylaws Amendment XI. That amendment was passed by the Board of Trustees on March 17th of 2014 but was not ratified by the general membership as required by Article X of the Bylaws. That amendment set up the Fines and the Right of Hearings relating to fines. The Board on June 1st of 2015 did pass and adopt another Enforcement Policy that supersedes the 2014 Bylaw Amendment. That action was in accord with its own governing documents and State of Washington RCW’s. The Board of Trustees is now in the process of fine tuning a new all-inclusive Enforcement Policy.

The Board approved the Association’s Attorney to go forward with a Foreclosure Lawsuit against a Lot for back payments of association assessments. The Board rescinded fines less administrative letter costs for several lots. Vantage also updated the Board on the collection process of 17 lots. It was noted that many of these problems could have been averted if the lots had simply responded to the first non-fine Courtesy Letter as the Board is very willing to work with the membership if there is a genuine need to do so.

New Business:

The Board will begin the process of rewriting the By Laws and CCR’s in January. Vantage* is sending out the 2017 Assessment (Dues) in early January along with a new end of year financial statement.

*Vantage was the professional managing company in 2016, but now professional management is handled by VIS Group, Inc., Lacey, WA.

Are you wanting to repair your driveway, add a patio or a walkway to your home?

Our first verified contractor is 360 Concrete Design. 360 is a local company owned by Anthony Coreghino and can be reached at (360) 870-3175 for quotes.

Quick Links

Architectural Application

Are you wanting to update or repair your home, add or modify your fence, gardens, or driveway? Download & submit this form. We aim for a quick turnaround!

HOA Documents

Are you looking for updated CC&RS, approved ByLaws, compliance and fee information, or other legal documents that govern our community? If so, start here!

VIS Group, Inc.

We are now centrally-connected through VIS Group Inc., a residential management company in Lacey, WA. Call (800) 537-9619 to leave a message or Email: VIS.