President Dittloff’s Note to CCGCE March 2017

by | Mar 19, 2017

Not Official Meeting Minutes, But Rather, My Thoughts Following the Board of Trustees Meeting, March 16, 2017

—President Larry Dittloff

Members Present: Aldridge, Bradley, Dittloff, Greeley, Luke, Nuesca, and Tremper

Members Absent: LaVack and Obie

I recently contacted the City of Lacey about a second Owner’s Forum with the City about their proposed Annexation and they indicated that the date had not been yet set but that they would be contacting the Association in the future.

The Association’s Attorney, Barker Martin, is writing the first DRAFT of the Association’s new By Laws and CCR’s so that they are inclusive of all recent legislative changes by the State of Washington. Once that updated version has been received the Board of Trustees (along with a member of the community who has wished to be a part of those proceedings) will add further refinements. The plan is for all Board analysis to be completed by June so that the membership can review and provide input over the Summer months.  Final documents will be presented for consideration to the entire membership in November at our Annual Meeting.

At the Board’s request Barker Martin also provide a new Association Enforcement Policy that will supersede the June 1, 2015 policy of the same nature. The new policy was approved by the Board. A copy of that new policy and a cover letter explaining the changes will be mailed out to all homeowners soon.

Committee Reports:

Architectural Control Committee Report: Darrelyn Nuesca said that the Committee has developed a new ACC Application that is an easier form to follow and use. The Board requested that the Committee make several small changes and forward the updated version back to them through Vantage so that the Board can consider the new form. The Committee also reported several ACC approvals and are feeling that the Community is still bit in the learning curve for the necessity to file an ACC for any projects that affect the outer appearance of any house or lot at the CCGCE. This requirement is in the ACC’s which we all agreed to follow when we purchased our homes.

Compliance/Enforcement Committee Report: Part of the Compliance/Enforcement Committee accompanied Vantage on it monthly inspection of CCGCE in March. The Committee Chair, Ed Obie, indicated that the priorities for the committee are multiple vehicle parking in driveways, adjacent parking and or cut outs that exceed the limits of the CCR’s. It was noted that under the December 2016 Cut Out Policy says that utility trailers, recreational vehicles and construction equipment is prohibited from parking in the cut outs. Several Cut Out violations were noted at the inspection.

Roads and Signs Committee Report: The conversion of the community’s street lights from sodium vapor to LED is scheduled to begin in May of this year. The annual street sweeping will take place this Spring once the roads have dried out a bit. The two drains that need repair will also be taken care of once the water levels have gone down in those drains. The speed bump painting will continue once the weather allows. A complete review of all the community’s street signs has been completed and many will be replaced following one set standard. Vantage will also be replacing a vandalized stop sign at 61st and Ruddell Road along with a downed Yield sign 0n 65th. The open Golf Course parking lot trench that allows excessive water to drain on Armour Street can also not be remedied until the rain subsides so that the Contractor can clean out the drains near the golf course’s sand pile. I also asked Board members to take a drive over to St. Martin’s University and look at the “speed humps” that they have in place as a possible addition to speed control on Sarazan and Hogan Streets. The Committee would also welcome input from the membership on this, as well.  

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Treasurer’s Report: Randy Luke reported that the HOA has receivables over multiple years of $106,914 with $77,223 currently in our checking account. February’s operating expenses were listed as $23,102 on the Vantage report. However, it was noted that $13,871 was added to operational expenses when that amount should have been stated as a capital expense with a net being of $9,231 for February operational expenses.

The Board, in Executive Session did consider eight requests for the removal of delinquency charges and other fines.


Larry Dittloff, President
Capitol City Golf Club Estates HOA

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