President Dittloff, the Officers, and Trustees here at CapCityGolfClubEstates
are sending their best wishes during this time of social distancing,
in response to the Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) Pandemic.
We thank those in our community who, while keeping a distance, call or drop off a note to check in with their neighbors. Consider offering to help the ill or elderly with shopping or other needs during the next few weeks. If your neighbors have cell phones, ask if it’s ok to text them to check in until the pandemic has passed.
Stress is known to adversely impact the immune response, so remain calm and encouraging to those around you.

Here’s a list of informative web sites for you to consult:
The Corona Virus Map (WHO)
Dynamic (LIVE) COVID-19 Dashboard

Thank you for being the wonderful, caring neighbors
who make CCGCE such a great place to live.
To good health!