Spring 2013 Newsletter

by | Apr 2, 2013

President Tom’s Message:

President Tom LaVack

President Tom LaVack

I would like to take this time to thank everyone I had a chance to talk to about billing issues. Some problems were as simple as a name change or different mailing address.

Others were a little bit in arrears and we made arrangements to bring them current. I still have a few people I need to contact which I’ll do this month. If you have any questions about your statement, you can email me, or our treasurer, Jackie.  If you have a mailing address or contact phone number change, contact our secretary, Katie.

We have made it one of our goals this year to get our homeowner recorders up-to-date and on a computer data base for easy and accurate billing. Jackie, our treasurer has worked out a plan with our credit union, TwinStar, so you can add us on your bill payer list if you wish. We are also making our web site really user friendly and up-to-date, with any info you want to know about Capitol City Golf Club Estates.

Procrastinate— To put off doing something you have to do until someone bugs you long enough that you have to get it done. I don’t know why I procrastinate, I know it won’t kill me to do it, it almost always doesn’t take as much time as I thought it would. The problem is I end up putting other people on the spot. Your newsletter has been held up because I procrastinated in doing this Presidents Letter. For that I am sorry. As your president, I will do better while I’m in office.

Tom Lavack pseudo-signature
— President Tom LaVack
Capitol City Golf Club Estates Home Owners Association

July 20 • 3pm to 6pm

Same place as last year, Black Tee on 13th hole (see map below). We learned a lot last year, so this year will be even better. We moved the date so it will be warm and sunny (we hope). Last year, no one wanted to buy drinks from the bar cart, so the course management said you can bring your own. Better?

We’ll provide:

  • Burgers & dogs
  • buns
  • chips
  • condiments
  • paper plates
  • eating utensils
  • glasses and ice
  • napkins

You provide:

  • You and your family
  • Your favorite drinks
  • Your favorite picnic dish or desert. (Label your dish so you don’t lose it.)

Don’t Miss Out. Mark Your Calendar Now!

HotDogHelp, Help, Help! We really need volunteers to help with this event. We need big strong dudes to help on the day before (19th), the morning of the 20th and after the party. We need them to help set up a big tent, set up tables, bring barbecues, etc. Then the whole thing needs to be dismantled and removed.

We need someone to help with the shopping for everything, setting the tables and…someone to come up with and oversee some activities for both kids (all ages) and adults. Need someone to take RSVP’s (phone, email and snail mail).

If you can help with any of this, email me.

Map of the CCGCE 2nd Annual Party

Thanks Neighbor!

Recently our Treasurer, Jackie Rudnicki, was driving along 66th and spied a man with a bucket of soapy water and towel. He was busily washing a neighborhood mailbox. Can you imagine? Out there all by himself in the cold, just washing away.
She didn’t recognize him and, as she was driving and trying not to be distracted, didn’t note the address where he was. But she did want to commend him on his good deed. So, whoever you are…thank you for contributing to our community

New To Cap City?

One of our responsibilities is keeping an accurate and updated roster of all owners in our community. That includes lot number, name, address, phone numbers (including cell phones) and email. We also need absentee owners mailing address.

According to the sheriff’s department, the phone/cell phone and email address are very important to neighborhood watch and community safety programs. Well, as you can imagine, with all the moving inand out, it’s a daunting task.

If you’re new to Cap City or your contact information has changed, we would so appreciate it if you would be in touch and provide us with the info we need.

Appreciate it.

Welcome Aboard

We’re proud to announce that Joanna Aldridge has become a Trustee on your Capitol City Golf Club Estates Board of Directors. With in-depth experience in everything from human resources, to hotel management, banking, even nuclear submarines, Joanna brings a wealth of knowledge and ability to our group. She’s been a member of our community since 2006 so knows it well and will be able to apply that knowledge and ability to addressing concerns and dreams for Cap City. Welcome, Joanna, it’s an honor to have you!

Remember your CC&R’s and By Laws can be found at www.CapCityGolfClubEstates.com.

Do you have a wish list for our community?

What would you like to see or have take place? How would you like to see it changed? Would you like to see your suggestion in a future newsletter (with or without your name?) Send me an email and we’ll print it for you. Fun!

Crime Watch: It’s Good To Be Aware

neighborhood-watchAccording to the Tarrant County, TX Sheriff, there is a syndicate of criminals growing throughout the country, that are presenting themselves a sales promoters and giving free key rings at gas stations and parking lots. The key ring has a tracking device chip which allows the criminals to track and follow you. Please, please don’t accept them. The key holders are attractive so hard to resist; but remember, you may end up paying more than the cost of a key holder, including the risk to your life. Advise your friends and family members and remember these trackers could take other forms besides key holders. Also, keep the area around your front door clear. It’s easier for intruders to gain access if they’re concealed. Large shrubs, low hanging tree limbs, etc., should be trimmed back. Better safe than sorry.

Are you wanting to repair your driveway, add a patio or a walkway to your home?

Our first verified contractor is 360 Concrete Design. 360 is a local company owned by Anthony Coreghino and can be reached at (360) 870-3175 for quotes.

Quick Links

Architectural Application

Are you wanting to update or repair your home, add or modify your fence, gardens, or driveway? Download & submit this form. We aim for a quick turnaround!

HOA Documents

Are you looking for updated CC&RS, approved ByLaws, compliance and fee information, or other legal documents that govern our community? If so, start here!

VIS Group, Inc.

We are now centrally-connected through VIS Group Inc., a residential management company in Lacey, WA. Call (800) 537-9619 to leave a message or Email: VIS.