President Dittloff Sends News
Barry Upton is now on the ACC. Mailbox damage on Armour has been repaired. We’re making Plans for a Capitol City Golf Club Estates Mixer on August 11th at the Course Pavillion (Tent). Income is up over budget with expenses exactly on budget projection.
Sewer & Water Project:
Phase 1 of the Sewer & Water Project nearly complete. We’re getting ready for catch basin cleaning in Phase 1 (if necessary), mailbox cleaning, and street sweeping.
From the Lacey Public Works Office, April 20th, 2021:
Please be advised that the intersection of Armour Dr SE and Yelm Highway will be closed to traffic beginning Monday 4/26 at 7:30 am and is expected to last throughout the day until the construction work is complete.

The closure will include the portion of 58th Ave SE east of Armour DR. The work will include grinding asphalt, and utility construction including the installation of a sewer manhole, therefore traffic will be redirected to Ruddell Road to access the neighborhood through 65th Ave SE.
If you live on 58th Ave SE and need vehicle access in and out of your home, please park your car in a location other than 58th Ave SE. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Keven Inman We apologize for the inconvenience, but thank you for your cooperation.
HOA MEMBERS: Have You Voted & Mailed
Your Ballots for the New CC&Rs?
Both the Golf Course and the Board of Trustees are recommending passage. If any Member needs a new ballot, please contact Larry Dittloff at (360) 888-2400 and one will be hand-delivered.
Larry is also available to answer any questions or concerns.
August 11th Mixer is Coming Up—FUN!
We’re especially excited about the planned August 11th Mixer at the Golf Club Pavillion (Tent) from 5 to 7 PM. We will have entertainment, informational booths, complimentary food, and a no-host bar. More information to follow.
—President Larry Dittloff, CCGCE HOA, Lacey, Thurston, WA