Larry Dittloff’s President’s Letter: February 2017

by | Feb 17, 2017

NOT OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES, but rather my thoughts following the Board of Trustees meeting on February 16, 2017

—President Larry Dittloff

Members Present: Dittloff, Greeley, Luke, Nuesca, and Tremper

Absent: Aldridge, Bradley, LaVack, and Obie

Committee Reports

Architectural Committee: I asked the Architectural Review Committee to review the ACC Form that we ask homeowners to fill out before starting a project that changes the appearance of their property as I found the form, myself, difficult to use in filling out a form for my Brother-In-Law who also is a homeowner at CCGCE who wanted to gain permission to change out a patio cover that had been recently damaged by the snow of two weeks, ago. We have received numerous complaints about this form and from practical use, I can now see their point.

Compliance: The recent inspection noted several homes with moss build up and parking infractions. One lot on Sarazen was issued a notice for building a new cut out without first filling out an ACC and with that cut out being in non-compliance with the Board’s December Cut Out Policy.

Roads and Sighs:  The Board and Vantage are working on a major street sign replacement project as a recent cleaning documented how many signs are old and in need of a complete change out. Yellow painting of speed bumps will continue as soon as weather permits. The Committee is doing other research on how to slow down traffic primarily on Sarazen and Hogan. One new possibility that the Committee is looking at is “Speed Humps” which are as high as the current bumps but much longer and with other identifying precautionary painting. Studies indicate that speeds were cut by 22% at 179 different sites that installed the humps. The Committee is also actively working with the Associations Contractor in getting two storm water drains repaired that are not properly working. The Committee is also actively working with the Golf Course to get its storm water drain repaired that is causing run off onto Amour Street. The Board also approved an imitative to convert CCGCE’s street lighting from High-Pressure Sodium Lights (HPS) to LED (Light Emitting Diodes) at a net cost of $9,791.03. The payback for that investment that will use the Association’s Reserve Fund will be in only 2.89 years with an annual savings thereafter of $3,382.32 per year. Overall lighting will also be brighter with a clearer definition.

Vantage presented a DRAFT Enforcement and Fee Schedule which will take the place of the June 1, 2015, Policy Enforcement Policy. Those Board Members who did not read the draft and provide comment were given an extension until March 7, 2017, to provide that input before final consideration at the next Board Meeting on March 16, 2017.

The Board decided that this year’s Community Enrichment Program will again be the Community Wide Garage Sale. Last year nearly 80 Lots were involved on that August day. An ad hoc committee of myself and Christina Tremper will organize this year’s event with the date of the event to be announced soon.

The Board also approved and adopted a new yearly contract for services with Vantage. I pointed out that the contract for service is yearly and that the current one should have been approved last year for 2017 rather than in 2017 for 2017. Vantage indicated that they will be providing a 2018 contract for the Board’s consideration in October of 2017.

A discussion was also held about Board communication with the membership and itself. Last year with absolutely no money for communication on an inherited budget. We opted to shift a small amount of money to operate a web page which was deemed far less costly than newsletters and with an ability to keep the information current.

Several Board members indicated that they have not ever read our web page. I said that I was sorry that they did not as that service provided insightful and current information about the Board and the Association and it was their responsibility to stay informed. But I also understand that many of our members outside of the Board do not have access to computers, and, as such, I worked to have funds in this year’s budget for two newsletters this year.

Randy Luke expressed a desire to coordinate the newsletters for this year which will be produced in-house with Vantage. Last year we sent out only one in January with the membership’s assessment (dues) for 2016.


Larry Dittloff, President
February 17, 2017

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Architectural Application

Are you wanting to update or repair your home, add or modify your fence, gardens, or driveway? Download & submit this form. We aim for a quick turnaround!

HOA Documents

Are you looking for updated CC&RS, approved ByLaws, compliance and fee information, or other legal documents that govern our community? If so, start here!

VIS Group, Inc.

We are now centrally-connected through VIS Group Inc., a residential management company in Lacey, WA. Call (800) 537-9619 to leave a message or Email: VIS.