Officers & Trustees
The Capitol City Golf Club Estates Board of Trustees are seven (7) volunteers elected through annual HOA elections. Each trustee serves a 3-year term, elected on a staggered basis at our Annual Election and Budget event, attended by the general HOA membership. Following the annual meeting, the new Board meets to elect officers.
Elected Officers
President: Larry Dittloff
Vice-President: Andrea Thomson
Treasurer: Randy Luke
Secretary: Natalie Lee
Trustees: John Beezley, Matthew Gordon, and Peter Sweet
Architectural Control: Andrea Thomson, Chair
with John Beezley and Larry Dittloff
Communication: Peter Sweet, Chair
Compliance: Natalie Lee, Chair
with Naomi Obie and Larry Dittloff
Newsletter: Pam Dittloff, Chair
Streets and Signs: Larry Dittloff, Chair
with Randy Luke
Welcome Committee: Co-Chairs, Randy Luke & Andrea Thomson
Website: Maureen Mead
Neighborhood Watch: Gabriel Robinson
Current Board Membership with Years of Service:
.Larry Dittloff (10), Randy Luke (8), Peter Sweet (5), Andrea Thomson (1), Natalie Lee (1), and new member, John Beezley.
The Board welcomes Members who are interested in serving on a committee and/or the Board of Trustees. Please contact Larry Dittloff, if interested: (360) 888-2400
The Board and committee members give back to the community through service and leadership. It’s not just the day-to-day work of guiding an association of 413 residences—or the time to attend monthly meetings—but leaders must plan years ahead in order to develop the most cost-effective and productive way for our HOA to accomplish its goals.
President Dittloff and the Board would like to sincerely thank and publicly appreciate retiring Officers, Pamela Dittloff and Kevin Rae. Pam and Kevin—we are grateful you volunteered your time, expertise, and talents in order to serve our community. Your years on the Board truly made a difference.
Welcome to newly-appointed Trustee, Matthew Gordon. Thank you for serving for a three-year term.
Finally, thanks to each elected Officer, Trustee, Committee Member, and Community member for contributing untold hours of hard work, leadership, and volunteer service to our community. It is greatly appreciated.
We are now centrally connected through VIS Group Inc., a residential management company Lacey, WA— under contract by the board to service to you and our community. VIS will track community enforcement, collect dues, route communication to the Board and work to ensure all enforcement with the CC&RS.
8617 Martin Way East
Lacey, WA 98516-5812
(800) 537-9619 Toll Free
(253) 799-8899 Fax
Regular office hours are Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm. They are closed for major holidays.
*Please Note: A call-back may take from 24-48 hours. Your patience is appreciated.
Quick Links
VIS Group Inc.
We are now centrally connected through VIS Group Inc., a residential management company in Lacey, WA. Call (800) 537-9619 to leave a message or Email: VIS Group.
HOA Documents
Are you looking for updated CC&RS, approved ByLaws, compliance and fee information, or other legal documents that govern our community? If so, start here!
Verified Concrete Contractor
Are you wanting to repair your driveway, add a patio or a walkway Our first verified contractor is 360 Concrete Design. 360 is a local company owned by Anthony Coreghino and can be reached at (360) 870-3175 for quotes.
Architectural Application
Are you wanting to update or repair your home, add or modify your fence, gardens, or driveway? Download & submit this form. Don’t forget to review our new, 2023 Exterior Paint Policy. We aim for a quick turnaround!