President Dittloff’s Notes for the August 2017 Board Meeting

by | Aug 23, 2017

President’s Report

Note: Not official meeting minutes but rather my thoughts following the Board Meeting of August 17.

—President Larry Dittloff

Members Present: Dittloff,  Greeley, Luke, Nuesca, Obie and Tremper

Open Forum: A member requested that a recently approved parking variance to his property be made a permanent one for future owners of his real estate.

The Ad Hoc CC &R and Bylaws Committee has been working on updates of those two documents for nearly six months and presented DRAFT # 2 to the entire Board. These two documents are the main ones that the Association functions within. I asked the Board to carefully review that work and to actively solicit additional input from the membership. The plan, now, is to continue receiving thoughts and observations from CCGCE Membership and to discuss this DRAFT, at length, at the next Board Meeting on September 14th. The Board plans on going through the DRAFT page by page with individual votes by the Board on all sections that have been revised.  After that Board review DRAFT # 2 will be distributed by mail to the Membership along with the Fall Newsletter and the newly adopted Enforcement Policy. After that a forum will take place on October 12th where members of the CCGCE Community will, again, be given the opportunity for comment and input.  A final DRAFT, after input has been received, will be discussed at the Board’s October 19th.   It is that final version which will be presented to the membership for consideration at the November Annual Membership Meeting. It should be noted that member input has already resulted in changes to the sections that speaks about dogs, recreational vehicles and operating a business in the community. Final documents will be included in the Membership packet that will be mailed out to each owner before the Annual Meeting. In the interim CCGCE Community Members are urged to review and comment on those documents. Comments about these two documents may also be made in writing or at the upcoming Open Forums. The most current DRAFT can be found on our WEB SITE.

Architectural Committee reported that the number of ACC Applications are slowing down as we end as the Summer construction period ends. That Committee is establishing a great record in responding to applications in three or less working days.

Compliance Committee reported that the monthly inspection was recently completed and that only a few new Courtesy Letters will be going out for minor infractions that related mostly to parking and lawn maintenance. One major construction project, however, was noted that was in progress without and ACC Application. The Committee has also received a number of positive comments on improvements to the appearance of the Community. The positive results are a tribute to the hard work and efforts of the CCGCE membership. That fact is positively affecting the resale values of our homes.

Roads/Signs reported that the Golf Course had revamped its parking configuration to allow more vehicles. With that increased capacity, there should not be a need for tournament parking to overflow onto community streets like Armour. The committee also reported that the Golf Course will no longer allow its crews to transport sand on community streets. The Board had requested the Course to stop this practice because of that sand getting into the storm water catch basins. The Golf Course also agreed to pay for the cleaning of two basins on Armour Street which have been most impacted by their sand operations. All of the speed bumps have been repainted. Vantage is still searching for a contractor to undertake that work of the repair of three previously identified catch basins. In the interim two more basins have been found that may need cleaning. Street signs are in and will soon be installed. The new 20 MPH speed limit signs are on order. Once those signs have been received and installed the Board will then enter into an agreement with the Thurston County Sheriff to enforce that new speed limit. The Board also referred a Demand Letter for nearly $10,000 for May storm damage to our Attorney for response. The Committee has also completed its application for partial reimbursement of the new LED street lights which were installed in early June.

The Board appointed Mr. Doug Colby as its new Welcome Committee Chair. Doug will not only be working with Vantage in distributing the Welcome Packets but also providing all new residents with copies of the CCRs and Bylaws in which he will be going over important points of those two documents with the newcomers. The Board is greatly appreciative of Mr. Colby’s efforts as we have been looking for a volunteer for this position for over a year.

The Treasurer Reported that both income and expenses are running above budget but that he is projecting a balance by the end of the current budget cycle which ends at the end of December 2017.

The Board reviewed and approved a DRAFT AUDIT by an independent Auditor of the Association’s finances.

Several hearings and requests for fine reversals were heard in Executive Session.

Quick Links

Architectural Application

Are you wanting to update or repair your home, add or modify your fence, gardens, or driveway? Download & submit this form. We aim for a quick turnaround!

HOA Documents

Are you looking for updated CC&RS, approved ByLaws, compliance and fee information, or other legal documents that govern our community? If so, start here!

VIS Group, Inc.

We are now centrally-connected through VIS Group Inc., a residential management company in Lacey, WA. Call (800) 537-9619 to leave a message or Email: VIS.