President Larry Dittloff’s Report July 22, 2016

by | Jul 25, 2016

The President’s Letter. Not an official Meeting Minutes, but rather my thoughts following the monthly Board Meeting.

—President Larry Dittloff

Open Owner Forum

Several Association members asked why the Board hired Vantage Management and if the Board had authority to do so without the general membership’s consensus.

Recently and according to CCGCE’s attorney, Mr. David Silver, the Board is empowered “to make (sic) such action and establish such rules and procedures as they deem necessary to carry out their duties and accomplish the purpose of the Association.” Complimenting this power is the corresponding duty, found at Bylaws Section 6(b), which requires the Board to “supervise all officers, agents and employees of the Association, and to monitor the performance of their assigned task.” These provisions, read together with RCW 64.38.020(3)—which explicitly provides the Board authority to hire and discharge or contract with managing agents—leaves no doubt that the Association’s elected Board may retain a managing agent to assist it with managing the affairs of the Association.

Past President Tom Lavack previously pointed out to the current Board that in 2015 a professional management company was hired, due to total frustration with the lack of compliance to community regulations and by laws—and frankly a complete lack of volunteers that could step up and serve. It has been my feeling since becoming President in January that there is now a consistency in the way the Board conducts its business with accurate financial and minute reports. The compliance activities are now done on a regular and systematic basis without favoritism. We live in an Association with written standards that are recognized by Thurston County and the State of Washington that, we, as owners all accepted when we purchased our homes in the Capitol City Golf Course Estates. There are similar or even more stringent standards at nearby Horizon Pointe and Indian River.

In the past the Association’s CCR’s were not enforced as consistently as they are now. That fact, alone, is rightfully causing some frustration for home owners. It is the intent of the Board to not only follow the Association’s CCR’s but to do so in as understanding a way as possible.

Another member mentioned that the Association’s Agent, Vantage, does not send out a notice that the compliance issue has been rectified and compliance issue finished. The Compliance Committee acknowledged that there is a need for a need for final completion letter and will be working with Vantage in August to implement.

Another member mentioned that Vantage’s noncompliance letters are rather cold, with limited definition and without a telephone number. Vice-President, Darrelyn Nuesca, pointed out that these notices are very much like a utility company’s letters that are meant to be factual and straightforward. Vantage indicated that they put their email address on those letters, so as to generate a written response for the records rather than verbal one. This makes for a clearer historical record for both parties. The Compliance Committee is in the process of reviewing all of the form letters that are sent to the membership regarding compliance issues and will make necessary changes.

Another member expressed frustrations over the increased traffic flow from Horizon Pointe that is now being handled by the Association’s roads and speeding cars. Possible solutions might be to ask the Sheriff’s Office for assistance and the installation of more formidable traffic speed bumps. The Roads/Signs Committee will be addressing this issue this month with the possibility of the installation of four more formidable speed bumps on East and West Sarazan and the re-painting of the existing bumps.

Neighborhood Watch Program:

The Board also received an oral report from Watch Committee Chair, Gabriel Robinson. Gabriel has been working to put a system together and recently attended a meeting with other Community Watch members in neighboring communities. Gabriel’s plan is to coordinate teams of neighbors, with a leader, based on mail boxes. If you are interested in helping set this up with Gabriel, please contact her. We would like to get this up and active as soon as possible. Gabriel has set up an email address for neighbors to report concerns and a page on Facebook, apart from the Community Web Page. The Watch Page is at:

Other Board Business:

The Board heard a report that the proposed new Cut Out Policy has been reviewed by the Association’s Attorney. The Board directed the Attorney to bring forward a revised policy statement that is in total concurrence with the CCR’s of the Association and that it would be considered at the next Board meeting.

Tom Lavack is also meeting with a home owner to work out an issue with a home owner regarding traffic obstructions. I will be meeting with another homeowner regarding their Architectural request.

The Board gave a contingent approval to Precision Underground Utilities to complete the annual storm water maintenance activities. Board member Ed Obie will meet with LOTT, prior to the work completion, to determine why the Association must pay a LOTT fee when all of its storm water is channeled underneath the golf course.

The Architectural Review Committee approved nine requests, with one being tabled for a month, while I discussed  their ACC but also additional compliance issues. The Owner had requested an on-site meeting with a Board member to discuss his issues. Vice-President, Darrelyn Nuesca will also work with Vantage in drafting a letter to a Lot owner who undertook a major concrete project without an ACC or approval from the Architectural Review Committee. The Committee is also working on the development of a color palette of acceptable house colors.

The Board declined to reverse a fine on a home that the owner said would or will be on sale in the near future.

Community Wide Garage Sale 

I gave an update on the August 13th Community-wide Garage Sale, in which I stated that plans are underway for a banner on College and Yelm, an ad in the Olympian, Facebook and Craig’s List. I am also looking at a possible tie-in with the Firecreek Restaurant and the Coffee Stand. Currently 10 members have indicated that they will be participating and they will be placed on a map that will be handed out so that shoppers can better locate all sale sites.

Lacey Requests A Meeting With the Board To Discuss Annexation, August 25th

I also gave a report that the City of Lacey has contacted the Association and they would like to annex the Association’s area into the corporate limits of the City of Lacey. The City indicated that they wanted to make a series of presentation to the CCGCE Association. Our target date for that initial presentation will be August 25th at the next Board meeting. The Board took no position of the City of Lacey’s initiative.

Quick Links

Architectural Application

Are you wanting to update or repair your home, add or modify your fence, gardens, or driveway? Download & submit this form. We aim for a quick turnaround!

HOA Documents

Are you looking for updated CC&RS, approved ByLaws, compliance and fee information, or other legal documents that govern our community? If so, start here!

VIS Group, Inc.

We are now centrally-connected through VIS Group Inc., a residential management company in Lacey, WA. Call (800) 537-9619 to leave a message or Email: VIS.