President’s Letter From October 2016 Meeting

by | Oct 23, 2016

Larry Dittloff’s President’s Letter to the CCGCE after Board Meeting of 10/20/2016 (Not official meeting minutes, but rather my thoughts following the Board Meeting)

—President Larry Dittloff

Open Forum

At the request of the membership the Board moved its meeting to a larger venue at the Jacob Smith House. Only one member, besides the Board, was in attendance. That member brought information that stated that if the Association were ever to disband that the charities named to receive the undisbursed funds were no longer in existence. It was suggested that those funds should be returned to the Owners if that extremely unlikely situation would occur.


  • City of Lacey Annexation Proposal: I spoke with Rick Walk, Director of Community Development, for the City of Lacey, and he indicated that the City will schedule a meeting with the entire membership of the CCGCE and the entire City Council of Lacey, sometime in the future. After that meeting the Council will decide how it intends to attempt to annex our community. It needs to emphasized, again, that the Board of Directors has taken no position on this issue.
  • Committee Reports
    • Architectural Committee reported that there have been a number of major projects started and completed without prior approval by the Committee. Some Lots have submitted forms after the project was complete. The Board discussed this issue and will be formulating an addition to the Capitol City Golf Club Estates Homeowners Association Enforcement Policy of June 1, 2015 that will provide a scaled fine for projects completed without Architectural Committee prior approval. The CCR’s are very clear for the need for approval and the Board is very concerned about projects that have been completed without approval in the past that are detrimental to overall community property values.
    • Compliance Committee gave direction to Vantage for our Attorney to contact an owner who has  divided a house into a multi family residence and to inform them that that division is in violation of the Association’s CCR’s and that the process of correction has begun regarding this situation. It was also discussed that there are about six Lots that have received multiple 4th and final letters for the correction of violations. The Board directed Vantage to contact those Lots and offer them a hearing to explain why they have ignored all compliance letters and opportunities to discuss their situations. If those Lots do not meet with the Board and offer a reasonable explanation the Board has directed Vantage to legally pursue a lien against the property.
    • Roads/Signs Vantage explained that their contractor has not been able to paint the speed bumps in our community because of other priorities. The Board told Vantage that safety is on the top of their list and that the work needs to be completed. The Sarazen streets being the top priority. Vantage said that they hoped that the work would still get completed in the current fiscal year which ends at the end of December 2016. I said that the paint needs a minimum of 50 degrees of outside weather to properly set. The Committee also received a report from Steve Bradley regarding all of the signs in CCGCE. His reported indicated that there many signs still in need of replacement and repair after the Board’s first go around with sign replacement in June. He submitted a proposal to entirely complete that work which includes street signs, speed warnings and wooden posts. The full Board authorized Mr. Bradley, in an amount not to exceed $1,800.00, to complete the work before the end of the current fiscal year.
    • Welcome Committee: There was report as this position is currently vacant. It was noted by Vantage that they typically send out a Welcome Package to all new owners in the Community which may have to suffice until this Committee becomes active, again.
    • Neighborhood Watch: Vantage will check with the Committee Chair to see if they had contacted members who had shown interest in serving on this Committee.
  • Old Business
    • Vantage reported they are now sending out the new Courtesy Notices that the Board formulated for initial violation notifications. Vantage also said that they are not yet sending out Thank You notifications for the correction of violations as the Board had directed them to do. Vantage was given a sample to revise and return to the Board for final approval. I expressed that this be completed ASAP as not hearing back from Vantage, when a correction had been made, was one of their chief complaints about their lack of communication.
    • The 2017 Budget is being worked on and will be forwarded to the Board for review. The Budget will be presented to the entire membership at Yearly Membership Meeting on the 17th of November at Komachin Junior High School.
    • Seasonal drain cleaning has been completed for the Community.
    • The Board approved a proposal by Joseph H. Vandal, CPA to conduct a financial audit of the Association for 2016. Vandal is the same firm that has successfully conducted this annual activity in the past.
    • Vantage presented a plan to the Board, which is the result of a recent meeting with our management company, that will “strive for a 72 – hour turnaround on owner communication” by making the following changes in their operation.
      • New receptionist who is being hired to assist in returning calls, e-mails and handling walk-ins.
      • Messages are pulled on a nightly basis and added them to owner tracking database and forwarded to appropriate staff
      • Staff is expected to respond to their assignments within 72 hours, supervisors are notified electronically if that is not happening
      • From 4 – 5 pm daily, all office activity will be focused on returning calls, emails with walk ins still being welcomed
      • We are investigating other owner communication related improvements for 2017


Larry Dittloff, President
Capitol City Golf Club Estates HOA

Quick Links

Architectural Application

Are you wanting to update or repair your home, add or modify your fence, gardens, or driveway? Download & submit this form. We aim for a quick turnaround!

HOA Documents

Are you looking for updated CC&RS, approved ByLaws, compliance and fee information, or other legal documents that govern our community? If so, start here!

VIS Group, Inc.

We are now centrally-connected through VIS Group Inc., a residential management company in Lacey, WA. Call (800) 537-9619 to leave a message or Email: VIS.