President’s Report after the Board Meeting July 20, 2017

by | Aug 1, 2017

Note: Not official Meeting Minutes, but rather my thoughts following the July Board Meeting

—President Larry Dittloff

Other Trustees present: Lavack, Obie, Nuesca, Luke, and Tremper

Open Forum: One owner questioned why the Board had targeted an older home owner for leaving her garbage can on the street too long. It was pointed out to the questioner that we have never given any owner a Courtesy Letter or fine about that matter. The Owner also inquired if the Association’s management company, Vantage, received a percentage of the fines and late fees that have been charged. It was pointed out that all fines and late fees go directly to the Association and that Vantage does not receive any of those receipts. Another member stated that they were very concerned about a new citation that they had received for cleaning mold off their house. It was pointed out that the notice that they had received was a THANK YOU note for cleaning that mold off their house. One Owner has volunteered to be the Association’s Welcome Committee Representative. The President will meet with that individual about that possibility and report back to the Board at its August meeting.

Architectural Compliance Committee reported that they had reviewed many ACC Applications and had approved all except one which wanted to place a six-foot fence closer to the street than the 25-foot set back requirement of both Thurston County and our own CCRs. The Committee also emphasized to Vantage the importance of responding to ACCC Applicants within three business days and the need to be kept informed of the status of those applications.

Compliance Committee reported that the only consistent problems seem to be parking and lawn maintenance. The Committee pointed out that most Home Owners are doing a great job on their lawns as the Association have received many compliments from golfers and other visitors to our community about how much better the community is looking. Most of the parking issues revolve around more cars being parked in the adjacent parking areas than are presently allowed. The current CCRs say that only one vehicle can be parked in those areas and that only two vehicles can be parked in the driveway at one time. The Cut-Out Policy that was adopted in December of 2016 says that only one vehicle can be parked in that area with utility trailers, recreational vehicles or construction equipment being prohibited. Vantage also shared with the Board a record of 49 recent closures which is a compliment to their efforts.

Roads and Signs reported that they will be distributing the recently completed Newsletter over the weekend of July 22nd. The Committee also reported that the Golf Course has an easement that allows it to drain into the Association’s storm water catch basins. The Committee is not aware, however, of any maintenance agreement with the Golf Course. The Committee Chair will discuss this fact with the Golf Course and ask for an update on when they plan to clean out a catch basin that is now filled with Golf Course sand. Also, being discussed with the Golf Course will be and tournament parking on Armour and other Association streets. It was also reported that one home owner is demanding that the Association reimburse them $10,000 for their septic tank failure during the storm of early May. It was further stated that that lot will be sending a formal letter to the Board so that we can respond accordingly.  All speed bumps have been painted yellow except one which was missed. Vantage will ask the contractor to paint that bump so that that maintenance project can be completed. The new street signs have been ordered with installation taking place in the late Summer and early Autumn. The Board also authorized the purchase of 20 new 20 MPH speed limit signs which will be installed as soon as possible so that the Thurston County Sheriff can go forward with speeding patrols in the neighborhood. The application to PSE for partial reimbursement of costs for the recently completed LED Street Lighting Conversion has started. The Committee also reported that the NO DUMPING stenciling of our storm water catch basins is underway and the Committee hopes to complete that work by the end of Summer.

Bylaws and CCR Ad Hoc Committee reported that DRAFT # 1 was complete and that they are waiting for membership input and feedback. The first version has been posted on our web site for all members to see and read along with notations. The Committee still has not heard from the Association’s Attorney who is also reviewing the draft. Once that has been received those changes will be incorporated into DRAFT # 2. This version will then be posted on the web site. Members are urged, again, to participate in this process by contacting the Board in writing or at the upcoming Open Forums.  A final “hard copy “version will be given to the membership prior to the General Membership Meeting in November.

Treasurer’s Report stated that total income is up $17,500 vs June of 2016 which is primarily because of dues being paid in a timelier fashion than in 2016. Expenses are up $35,000 but that many charges are annual ones that are not re-occurring. It is projected that our expenses and income will balance by the end of the year. The Treasurer also wishes that we start writing off items on accounts receivable that have been turned over to our Attorney or Collection agents.

At the New Business portion of the meeting it was discussed that the Association should consider participation in the National Night Out. It was thought that this event was coming up in only about two weeks and that the Board look at it for 2018. The Board also indicated that because of the need to send out the Newsletter on an immediate basis that the new Enforcement Policy will go out with the Fall Newsletter. In the interim the Association will continue to abide by the policy that was adopted and effective on June 1, 2015.

The Board then reviewed Vantage’s Delinquency Report and requests for fine reversals.

Quick Links

Architectural Application

Are you wanting to update or repair your home, add or modify your fence, gardens, or driveway? Download & submit this form. We aim for a quick turnaround!

HOA Documents

Are you looking for updated CC&RS, approved ByLaws, compliance and fee information, or other legal documents that govern our community? If so, start here!

VIS Group, Inc.

We are now centrally-connected through VIS Group Inc., a residential management company in Lacey, WA. Call (800) 537-9619 to leave a message or Email: VIS.