President’s Report for February 2019

by | Feb 27, 2019

The Capitol City Golf Club Estates Board of Trustees met on Thursday February 21, 2019 at VIS Headquarters in Lacey.

This brief summary of the proceedings is not the official Board Minutes which are usually posted approximately 30 days after each meeting but rather my individual thoughts and observations about the most recently completed meeting.

The Board did hear from a Member during the Open Forum portion of the Meeting who wanted to gain some insight about the Cut Out Policy that went into effect on December 11, 2016. It was stated that: “Front yard cut-out parking may only be used for parking vehicles. Only one vehicle at a time may be parked in the cut-out space. Parking of utility trailers, recreational vehicles or construction equipment is prohibited. Upon application, the Board may permit alternative use of the cut-out space for a temporary period upon good cause shown.” CC&R Article III, B., 12 states: “no more than one vehicle may be kept or parked in such adjacent parking.” All new cut outs and adjacent parking strips must obtain Board approval before construction may begin.

Office Agenda Photo

Kevin Rae, Chair of the Architectural Control Committee, gave a brief report that said that the Committee had received a request to replace an existing fence which does not completely meet the fence standards as described in the CCR’s. The Board in 2015 made a decision that with the then new Enforcement Policy that all existing lots non-compliant lots were “grand fathered” with existing structures like fencing, cut outs, adjacent parking and the like being accepted as is.  It was felt that going back in time to bring all lots into compliance would be impossible. But from that day forward all CCR’s would be adhered to and applied uniformly and without favoritism for all new construction like the fence replacement project that is now being considered. The Board also stated at that time that variances would be allowed if there was a need for a reasonable accommodation and to lessen a financial hardship of the applicant. The Committee will review this new fence application not as a grand fathered item but as a new one.

Darrol  Steiner, Chair of the Compliance Committee, gave a brief report that noted that there are currently 131 violations on record but that he knew that some should be taken off the list because they are now compliant. A review of that list will be completed and those in compliance will be taken off.

David Luhr, Chair of the Roads/Signs Committee stated that two stop signs were knocked down by vehicles during the recent mega snow storm. They are scheduled to be repaired once sign replacements arrive. Steve Bradley  has agreed to do that repair and he has been given authorization to also proceed on the annual cleaning of the Association’s Mail Boxes. David also reported that he is starting to develop the specifications for this upcoming street repair project that will fill in street cracks and do some resurfacing. VIS is also obtaining quotes for the annul 46 catch basin pumping project and the repainting of the neighborhood’s 22 speed bumps.

  I (Larry Dittloff) reported on the Ad Hoc CCR & Bylaw Re-Write Committee. We had our first Member input session on January 17, 2019 with about 15 Members attending. A number of good ideas were presented with discussion. The Committee will hold another Input Session in Mid-March in a larger venue. The plan is then for the Committee to closely review all input and to make necessary changes and updates to the documents which were distributed to the Membership in October of 2018.  A final version will then be presented to the Board by late Spring for final review/changes and if approved the documents will be sent out to the Membership for final consideration. It is anticipated that a ballot with a stamped return envelope will also be included with the final version. Also, Members who wish further clarification will be urged to either use an information telephone number that will be included with the ballot or an e-mail address. The current 2005 versions of the CCR’s and Bylaws will continue to be used until such time as the new documents are approved by at least 210 Members.

Randy Luke then gave an upbeat report about the Association’s finances year to date. He indicated that there has been a good rate of response for the paying of  the annual dues. Nearly every Member made their first half year payment before the end of January and avoiding a late charge. As of 02/25/2019 the Association has received $70,964.01 in revenue against expenses of $17,250.98 for the current calendar year.

The Board then spent some time discussing various requests for variances, fine reductions and legal matters.

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Architectural Application

Are you wanting to update or repair your home, add or modify your fence, gardens, or driveway? Download & submit this form. We aim for a quick turnaround!

HOA Documents

Are you looking for updated CC&RS, approved ByLaws, compliance and fee information, or other legal documents that govern our community? If so, start here!

VIS Group, Inc.

We are now centrally-connected through VIS Group Inc., a residential management company in Lacey, WA. Call (800) 537-9619 to leave a message or Email: VIS.