Project Info: Capitol City Water Improvement, Phase 2 Updates

by | Jul 8, 2021

Phase 2 Update:  We’ve been getting feedback from the neighborhood that there has been confusion over what area the contractor is going to be working, and what would be the best entrance/exit to use.  I have attached the contractors “look-ahead” schedule and a map showing what area they are working this week.  Please try to avoid the construction zone if possible and allow extra time to travel through the area.  If the contractor is working in an area and doesn’t have room to let you pass, you may need to go around the other way to enter/exit the area.  Or if the contractor happens to be working directly in front of your driveway you may need to wait or park somewhere else until they have passed.  Please keep in mind that these schedules and maps are not exact, just a general idea of what the contractor is planning to work on in the near future.  If you have any immediate concerns with access you can call the project inspector Keven Inman 360-239-0333.  For this week only he is on vacation, and you can call me at 360-239-2370 if you have any issues.  Or email me at

Phase 1 Update:  Work is nearing completion, and the contractor will be focusing on lawn restorations, and other repairs needed from the work they did.

Aubrey S. Collier, P.E., S.E.
Design and Construction Manager
City of Lacey Public Works



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