Proposed Changes to Capitol City Golf Club Estates CC&R’s, Bylaws, & 2019 Budget

by | Oct 16, 2018

Overview of Proposed Changes

(Note: This is a reprint of the insert that is being sent with the membership package.)

As many of you know, the CC&Rs and Bylaws have not been updated or improved since 2005. A lot has changed since then in our neighborhood and the world. Starting back in 2016, a dedicated task force made up of CCGCE board members and homeowners have been working diligently with the Association’s attorney on rewriting and updating the CC&Rs and Bylaws. The intent of the group was threefold:

  1. First, to update the information so that it complied with all current Washington State and Thurston County regulations.
  2. Second, to address changes that have repeatedly been voiced and requested by homeowners in our community.
  3. Lastly, to provide clarity to the CCGCE homeowners and residents in regards to readability and reasonableness, while reducing duplications, inconsistencies and errors.

Some of the changes in the CC&Rs are clarifying definitions (Example, Section 7.7.5 and 7.7.6); removing outdated language (Example, Section 1.37) and adding language that is relevant to our ever-increasing use of electronics (Example, Section 4.5). Many of the other changes are captured in section 8.2 and 8.5. These sections comprise of an adjustment to the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) requirements and a much clearer statement of design standards for the community. A few examples are that paint colors are much more clearly stated for dwellings and fences. Auxiliary buildings are limited to 12 feet in height. Fence height has been increased from four feet to six feet. The Bylaws have also received a few changes. Largely in sections 4.8 and 4.10. They do not impact the homeowner on a day to day basis.

All of the changes made in both documents have been read and reread by many people. They were reviewed by the CC&R committee, by the entire Board of Trustees, by VIS Group and vetted by our attorney. We feel strongly that these changes will have a positive impact on our community. But we cannot make these beneficial changes without your help. In order to pass these changes, we need 51% of homeowners to vote yes. That’s 210 homeowners. You do NOT have to come to the meeting to vote! Enclosed in this mailing is a proxy form that you can fill out and return to VIS’ office via email or mail or even simply send it with your neighbor who is attending.

In addition to these document changes, the Association is also changing its assessment payment structure. As you may already know, the Association is critically underfunded in its reserve account. This means that there is minimal money to cover future expenses, specifically the streets. In order to avoid a very large special assessment in just a few short years, it will be necessary to increase the assessments progressively over the next 5 years. In an effort to make this increase less of a financial burden on ourselves and fellow homeowners, the Board has decided to make the assessments due bi-annually instead of in one lump sum at the beginning of the year.

CCGCE Dues 2018 10 16 14.24.45

With this in mind, the 2019 budget will show assessments as:

  1. $160.00 due January 1st, 2019
  2. $160.00 due July 1st, 2019

If you have any questions, concerns or just need more information, please contact the VIS Group, Inc.




Darrelyn Nuesca
CCGCE Vice-President

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Architectural Application

Are you wanting to update or repair your home, add or modify your fence, gardens, or driveway? Download & submit this form. We aim for a quick turnaround!

HOA Documents

Are you looking for updated CC&RS, approved ByLaws, compliance and fee information, or other legal documents that govern our community? If so, start here!

VIS Group, Inc.

We are now centrally-connected through VIS Group Inc., a residential management company in Lacey, WA. Call (800) 537-9619 to leave a message or Email: VIS.