Dear CCGCE Owners,
Capitol City Golf Club Estates HOA will be holding its second Membership Input Meeting for the proposed new Bylaws and Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CCR’s). The meeting will be held at Lacey Fire District 3, Station 333, at 6500 Mullen Road SE., Lacey, WA, from 6:00 to 8:00 pm.
Please bring your copy of the proposed new documents that were mailed out to the Membership in late October for reference. If you no longer have a copy of these documents, you can download the entire packet here, and search out the pages regarding the CCRs and By Laws revisions.
Also, a brief was published, here on the site, describing the changes in a short, concise way. You can read it here.
If you cannot attend the meeting you may send questions, concerns and thoughts to or call (360) 888-2400
President Larry Dittloff, CCGCE HOA