Summer 2012 Newsletter

by | Aug 15, 2012

You’re Invited to our Annual Meeting, September 6, 2012

If you live in Capitol City Golf Club Estates, you are invited to attend this years Annual Homeowners Association meeting. If you own a home in the community and are in good standing (dues are up to date, no unresolved complaints, etc.,) you are entitled to vote on any issues or election that will take place. If you are not able to attend and wish to appoint a proxy to cast your vote, a form is enclosed. Also enclosed is tentative agenda, the proposed budget for the coming year, and an election form. A name and eligibility check will be made upon arrival and a ballot passed out at the door. A final agenda will also be passed out.

Place: Chambers Prairie School Gymnasium

Time: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
If you have an issue that you would like addressed and you would like to be placed on the agenda, please notify President Mike Derda, in writing, no later that August 15. You must include the topic. Presentations are limited to 5 minutes and if they include a complaint, please include your suggested solution.

Please come. Please participate. Your officers and trustees genuinely care about the community and everyone that lives here. We want to work with you in making it a community that you’re proud of and happy to be a part of. But, we so need your help to do that. We need to know you, your name, your face, what you like, what you don’t like and we need your help to correct the issues that concern you.

OK, mark your calendar and be sure to save the date. And in the meantime you might think about what you would enjoy doing to help your community. We’re in need of committee volunteers. We bet that one of them would fit you like a glove. See You September 6!

Our Web Site Is Back!

Thanks to our good friend, Maureen Mead, our new web site is almost complete. And, it looks GREAT!!! She’s done a splendid job. From now on you’ll be able to access By Laws, CC&R’s, minutes and financials.

You’ll be able to quickly find the officers and trustees and get the latest on news and events in the community. It will have all of our newsletters as they’re printed and a plethora of forms that you might need. There will be a section for realtors, a community map, access to officers and trustees via email where you can report issues of concern. It contains beautiful photographs of our course and can easily accommodate more (if you have a favorite you’d like to see added.) Actually, we’d like your input on the whole thing. You can use our web site email to send in suggestions. It isn’t completely finished but it’s certainly far enough along that we’d love you to look it over. I think you,too, will be amazed at what a wonderful job Maureen is doing. Thanks lady!!

CarsOutFrontParking Your Vehicles

We’ve gotten an increase in complaints about parking numerous vehicles, some on grass or dirt patches. Please read your CC&R’s to help you remember the rules. If you don’t have enough space in your driveway, you can create a space with crushed rock (must be kept weed free) to the side of your home or adjacent to your driveway. Please help us keep our community attractive and one to be proud of. We are asking both owners and renters to be aware of the general appearance of the property and to follow the CC&R’s.

After Storm Damage

We’re told there are still areas of tree damage following the January super storm and that a good deal of it is on the golf course side. If you have damage especially if it is possibly dangerous, please either contact the golf course management or President Mike Derda and let them know what the problem is.

Our friend and fellow Trustee, Sandy McClintock, has volunteered to head up the event this year. She’ll be advertising the sale in multiple places and it will, of course, be on our new web site. If you’re interested in participating, email Sandy at or call her at 360-413-6913. She’ll give you all the details including the nominal cost to be included in all the advertising.

This has always been a big success and we’ve already been getting questions about it. So get in touch with Sandy and start cleaning out the closets and shelves!

Updating CC&R’s

Over the next few months, we’ll be updating our CC&R’s. Our goal is to simplify and streamline them, hopefully make them more “reader friendly”.Reading and comprehending them can scramble your brains. Retaining them with a scrambled brain is almost impossible!

We’d like to limit the “Thou Shall” or “Shalt Not” legalese and present them more in a manner that real people speak. Wouldn’t it be fun to actually know what you’re reading? Also, perhaps more people would read them if they had any clue what they really said. Anyway, it will be a lengthy process so bear with us. Again, our goal is not to change them, just to streamline and simplify them for all of our benefit.

We’re Without A Welcome Committee

Sadly our Welcome Committee Chair, Kathy Taylor, has left the area which has left a big hole in our Welcome Committee…actually there isn’t one. We so need a motivated, friendly person to find new residents and greet them with a smile, a welcome basket, explain some of the ins and outs of the community and just generally welcome them to Capitol City Golf Club Estates. You can’t imagine what it means to them. It doesn’t take much time (perfect for one of you retirees). If you’re interested, email me at

Party…Small, Wet But Wonderful

We had a lot of fun, met a lot of new people, had lots of good food and learned a lot!! For one thing, June is not the month for outdoor parties. Next time it will probably be August. We learned not everyone knows the layout of the course so maps should have been provided and bigger signs or balloons so you know when you’ve arrived. We also learned we should have done some kind of email or other reminder to the folks who RSVP’d and then forgot to come.

Now, a big THANK YOU to the Capitol City Golf Course. You were great!! Anyway, those that came and partied with us really did have fun. We had face painting for the kids, hoola hoops, bubble blowers and more. There was a “golf toss” game for the adults. And it was really great to see such a variety in ages. Thanks for joining us and hopefully there will be even more next year.

Continued Safety Issues by Mike Derda, President

Last month I promised to bring you more safety and common sense tips. There’s nothing as important as the safety of our loved ones and our home. So here goes:

  • Safety says beware of unsolicited alarm salesmen, landscapers or contractors that come to your door looking for work. Good service professionals find enough work through word of mouth referrals.
  • Common sense says don’t do business on the spot. Get several estimates, references and compare before you hire someone to do your home improvement project.
  • Check the Washington State Contractor’s Board and Trades people to make sure they are licensed and bonded. You can call them at 1 (800) 647-0982 or go online to
  • To check Electrical businesses call (360) 902-5269.
  • If a utility representative comes to your house, request identification. True representatives will carry their ID and they will gladly show it to you. Call their company for verification if the badge seems too new or very badly abused.
  • If you’re computer literate, look up Bottle Bombs on They always verify the truth of claims and rumors before printing. This article could save your life or limbs. Have your family read it too.
  • Being a good neighbor can be one of the best crime prevention tools. Watchful, attentive neighbors can spot criminals and alert the police and the community to their presence. If you’d like to be part of the neighborhood watch program, call Bob Moore at (360) 456-6964 or call me, Mike Derda, at (360) 628-8549.

Get involved in your community, and help us keep your summer happy and safe.

Are you wanting to repair your driveway, add a patio or a walkway to your home?

Our first verified contractor is 360 Concrete Design. 360 is a local company owned by Anthony Coreghino and can be reached at (360) 870-3175 for quotes.

Quick Links

Architectural Application

Are you wanting to update or repair your home, add or modify your fence, gardens, or driveway? Download & submit this form. We aim for a quick turnaround!

HOA Documents

Are you looking for updated CC&RS, approved ByLaws, compliance and fee information, or other legal documents that govern our community? If so, start here!

VIS Group, Inc.

We are now centrally-connected through VIS Group Inc., a residential management company in Lacey, WA. Call (800) 537-9619 to leave a message or Email: VIS.