What Is “The Missing Middle Upzone”?

by | Nov 30, 2018

the missing middle
Graphics: ©Opticos Design, Inc.

Curious about the talk around Olympia and Thurston County about land-use planning called “The Missing Middle Upzone”?

What is it, why is it being promoted as a land-use solution, and how might it affect our community/neighborhoods and the quality of life here in Thurston County?

Recently, a neighbor familiar with the real estate business contacted our HOA Officers and suggested that we read the post in NextDoor.com from Phyllis B., a community volunteer leading a campaign to demand transparency in Thurston County around the planning called “The Missing Middle Upzone.”

She is advising NOOLYUPZONE!

Here is an image of this post from a volunteer working to inform neighborhoods in the area:

Missing Middle 2018 11 30 12.45.57

Our neighbor wrote:

Read this article FYI. Click on the enclosed link to read more.
Missing Middle is a bad deal for the entire community.
[Redacted] HOA Member, N.O.

In response to this, we are posting more information about the subject and hope you will read, learn and call for transparency from our County and City leaders so that you are up-to-date on the plans.

WHAT IS MISSING MIDDLE? From Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Missing_Middle_Housing

Missing Middle Housing consists of multi-unit housing types such as duplexes, fourplexes, bungalow courts, and mansion apartments that are not bigger than a large house, that are integrated throughout most walkable pre-1940s neighborhoods, often integrated into blocks with primarily single-family homes, and that provide diverse housing choices and generate enough density to support transit and locally-serving commercial amenities. Although many of these are a common feature in pre-war building stocks, these housing types have become much less common (hence the “missing”). The term was coined by architect and urban planner Daniel Parolek, Principal and Founder of Opticos Design, Inc.


  • THE MISSING MIDDLE HOUSING: missingmiddlehousing.com
  • OLYMPIA CITY GOVT: olympiawa.gov/city-government/codes-plans-and-standards/missing-middle.aspx
  • NOOLYUPZONE: noolyupzone.yolasite.com
  • WHAT IS A 20-MINUTE NEIGHBORHOOD? www.eugene-or.gov/1216/What-is-a-20-Minute-Neighborhood
    20-minute neighborhoods are places where residents have easy, convenient access to many of the places and services they use daily including grocery stores, restaurants, schools and parks, without relying heavily on a car. They are characterized by a vibrant mix of commercial and residential uses all within an easy walk. They have higher concentrations of people and are complete with the sidewalks, bike lanes and bus routes that support a variety of transportation options.
  • THE CASE FOR AND AGAINST: www.theolympian.com/news/local/article212855259.html

“Missing middle” refers to housing types that fall between a single-family home and a large apartment building. Olympia is considering zoning changes that would make it easier to build things like duplexes, triplexes and mother-in-law apartments in areas currently dominated by single-family homes. The idea is to add housing in existing neighborhoods instead of growing along the edges of the city.

A study by the Thurston Regional Planning Council estimated the “missing middle” changes would result in less than 1,000 new units citywide over 20 years compared with what would be built under current zoning. That number does not include accessory dwelling units (ADUs) or conversions — if a single-family home was turned into a duplex, for instance, or if its garage was converted into an apartment. 

We will continue to update this article as we know more. Get involved. Get informed.

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