Members Ask the Board: What’s the Advantage With Vantage?

by | Jul 5, 2016

Why Did We Hire Vantage Community Management?

At the June 2016 board meeting, several homeowners asked the Board and officers why a management company was hired to run the day-to-day organization of our association—when in prior years it was all handled by neighbors and fellow homeowners.

As your elected President, I would like to give you a brief history and the reasons for our decision — and explain its real value to you as a homeowner and resident:

  • First, past President Tom LaVack and the prior Board initiated the search for a local HOA management company due to total frustration with the lack of compliance to community regulations and bylaws—and frankly, a complete lack of volunteers willing to step up and serve.
  • After research and an interview, Vantage Community Management of Lacey, WA was hired because of its professional reputation and thorough efforts to provide consistent management. The goal was to free the board up from the day to day management, while still providing vision, leadership and guidance to Vantage as they serve our community daily.
  • Our personal Vantage manager, Heather T., attends each monthly meeting, consults with the board, writes the meeting minutes and ensures the financial reports are consistent and accounting is in accordance with state law. I consult informally with Heather between meetings for clarification of the upcoming Board Agenda. Consequently, we’ve had 18 continuous months of the provision of a highly-reliable financial reports and a professional management of our association.
  • Vantage provides a central entry point through which to discuss concerns and ask questions. Such concerns and questions are often resolved throughout the month—but our manager will bring issues requiring board decisions to the monthly meeting for discussion and a vote. All this in a trackable, accountable format.
  • Under the leadership of the Board, Vantage provides a personal, yet even-handed response to HOA concerns from the board and its members—and monitors compliance throughout our community. This includes monitoring the responsible payment of annual dues and compliance with state regulations.

Over time, we hope our community can maintain and hopefully improve the reputation and the value of our homes.

Past President Tom LaVack wrote a letter to the association in the summer 2015 newsletter. He wrote, in part:

We have hired a management company to handle the day-to-day operations of Capital City Golf Club Estates, which includes compliance of the CC&R’s. Pictures we be taken once a month of properties out of compliance and a letter will be sent out to the registered home owner. The first letter will list the problem and the CC&R’s that it falls under. The home owner should contact us and let us know what they plan to do.

These fines are posted on our web site along with the CC&R’s. Also every home owner has received a copy.

The CC&R’s require that your house and property must be kept in good order and appearance. If you have a boat, motor home, trailer, extra car or truck it needs to be parked on a driveway or parking area that is black top, cement, or crushed rock. Not the grass or front lawn. Blue tarps are not a fashion statement. Motor homes/RV’s may be parked on your property but not lived in. — Summer 2015

Remember: No more than two vehicles, with the exception of guest or service vehicles, may be kept or parked in any driveway, no more than one vehicle may be kept or parked in any adjacent parking area. All adjacent area parking areas must be approved by the Architectural Committee.

Also, trash containers are to be removed from the streets following the scheduled pickup days. Parking them for days on the driveway or sidewalk is not allowed.

Tom LaVack also mentioned this year that homeowners associations now require more stringent record-keeping and accounting, per State of Washington RCWs. This played a part in the prior Board’s decision to hire a management team. The business of managing our association was overwhelming the all-volunteer members, because of the lack of homeowners willing to step up and share the load. It was too few people, carrying too much responsibility, for too little benefit to the association members.

In addition, Tom reported that real estate agents had shown a reluctance to show properties in our community because of the past haphazard enforcement of the Bylaws and CC&Rs.

For these reasons and more, Vantage Community Management has been a valued benefit to CCGCE HOA—and most importantly, YOU. We hope you agree and bring any concerns, questions and suggestions to me and your elected Board members.

The annual elections and general body meeting is coming this fall. Watch for future announcements about date, time and location. If you feel you can contribute to the Board with your time and talents, please contact me so that we can set up an interview. If you would like to serve, there are needed roles and responsibilities on our committees and on the Board if you’d like to help lead our community.

You may leave a contact note on our website at, or contact Vantage and leave a message with their voicemail or receptionist to be directed to the board.

Since Vantage manages many communities, please identify yourself as a member of Capitol City Golf Club Estates (association ID is *121). Please allow 24-48 hours for a response, although you may hear back in a shorter length of time.

8290 28th Court NE, Suite C
Lacey, WA 98516
Phone: (360) 455-4464
Fax: (360) 455-8253


Larry Dittloff, President

Please note: CCGCE is no longer affiliated with Vantage. We now work with VIS Group, Inc., Lacey, WA.

Quick Links

Architectural Application

Are you wanting to update or repair your home, add or modify your fence, gardens, or driveway? Download & submit this form. We aim for a quick turnaround!

HOA Documents

Are you looking for updated CC&RS, approved ByLaws, compliance and fee information, or other legal documents that govern our community? If so, start here!

VIS Group, Inc.

We are now centrally-connected through VIS Group Inc., a residential management company in Lacey, WA. Call (800) 537-9619 to leave a message or Email: VIS.