Why CCGCE Cancelled Its
Annual Neighborhood Dumpster Event
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so here goes: Many have asked why we cancelled the second annual neighborhood trash event–when it had been such a success the previous year—indeed, some were frustrated that the event ended abruptly. This is why:
It looked like someone told the entire city of Lacey that CCGCE was hauling trash for free—and people were coming out of the woodwork to deposit their trash at the dumpsters.
—President Tom LaVack
In addition, the people obviously didn’t read instructions (see that “Do Not Put Above Line” sticker? Or the “Do not block” sticker?)
Not only did we overrun our budgeted allowance in a couple of days—instead of a week—the mess left for primarily ONE Trustee was so much, it was disgusting. Bob Moore had kindly volunteered for the event and had to deal with messes like this after back surgery.
Thanks to past President Tom LaVack for this photo. This is from 2015, just before we called LeMay and told them to take the bins back.