Winter 2012 Newsletter: Happy Holidays!

by | Dec 18, 2012

It’s that time of year again when we look around us and count our many blessings.

It’s a time for reflecting on how many blessings we actually have. Here in CapCity Golf Estates, we live in a cross between Oz’s Emerald City and Avatar. It doesn’t get much better. Yes, we have an abundance of rain but if we didn’t, our beautiful community would look like everyplace else. Yuck! And where else do you get those glorious sun breaks where the rain dances right alongside the sunshine?

But wait! There are those among us who are not feeling so blessed right now. Those with illness, personal loss, any number of enormous challenges. Do you know of someone who is alone, hungry, frightened? Can you help them? Can we? What good are our blessings if we can’t share them?

Remember. . .Board Meetings Are Open to All

Our monthly board meetings are held the second Wednesday of every month, 7:00 pm, at Woodland Assisted Living Center, 4532 Intelco Loop, Lacey, Washington.All residents are welcome to attend but to speak or have a specific issue addressed, you need to email: Tom LaVack to be scheduled on the agenda.

We’re Getting Organized!

It’s our goal to organize, standardize and streamline all the many aspects of operating a homeowners association. So far, so good. The first one you’ll notice is…


You’ll receive your invoice for 2013 shortly after January 1. It will be clearly marked due by February 1. If we have not received your dues by June 1, 1% per month interest will be assessed on the total owing until the amount is paid in full.

Regarding dues in arrears, we have gone through all past due invoices and understand that some of the problem may have been confusion over the road assessments.

Let us clarify. . .

  • 2008: Dues were $80. The road assessment was $120.
  • 2009: Dues were $120. Road assessment was $120.
  • 2010: Dues were $120. Road assessment was $120.
  • 2011: Dues were $120. No road assessment.

Your 2013 invoice will include all detail of any overdue/ interest history. Please check thoroughly and note the road assessments. If you disagree with our invoice and can show us a check copy or other proof that you have actually paid where we show you owing, please contact Jackie Rudnicki.

Also, please know that dues that become 2 years in arrears can result in small claims court, a collection agency and/or a lien on the home.

Remember, too, that we are happy to accept monthly payments. Your $120 annual dues becomes only $10 per month (a couple of lattes!!) Call Jackie to arrange for time payments too. Here’s to a responsible year!


We’re sorry to report that at our last board meeting, Pat Buck tendered her resignation. She’s done a wonderful job and we’re sorry to see her go. But we’re happy to say that we’re proud to welcome Debi Marmion to our Board of Trustees and to the position of Chair of the Welcome Committee.

We’ve had a long dry spell between Welcoming Committees so we’re more than a little excited to have someone of Debi’s caliber. I, for one, was never officially welcomed into our community. It would have been so nice. So now, new comers will be greeted with a smile and a big welcome!

Thanks so much Debi! We appreciate you.

Offer Still Stands

Remember we are accepting ads in our quarterly newsletter at $25 per business card size ad. You can submit it camera ready or I’ll do the layout. Just need a logo and what you want said. It will also be posted on our web site for the full quarter. Heck of a deal! To get in the spring issue, you need to contact me by Feb. 1.

Gentlemen. . .

If you or your friends play golf at CapCity, please read this! We’re watching! And, while it may surprise you, we really don’t think it’s a treat to watch you relieve yourself on our tree, bush or fence. It’s yucky and it’s illegal! And why, oh why, even in the summer when there are porta potties all around, do you still use our tree, bush or fence???? Thinking of having a contest. All you readers, whip out a telephoto lens, snap a closeup, send it to me, I’ll put them all in the newsletter and whoever can identify the most “relievers” will win a framed collage of all of the photos for over your toilet!

Please offenders, remember there’s not one place on the course that can’t be seen by at least one home.

Nuisance Procedures

Home or yards for which we have received complaints, lawns not mowed, garbage everywhere, parking violations, too much noise, etc., are referred to nuisance properties. We have a standardized procedure which we are going to be following explicitly.

  1. There will be verbal notification by a member of the enforcement committee. The resident has 14 days from the day of notice to rectify the problem.
  2. After the 14 days is up, A written notice will go to the owner/tenant reminding them of the problem and requesting action within 7 days..
  3. After 7 days, action will be taken to fix the problem (contact sheriff for noise, mow or clean up yard, have vehicles towed, etc.) Any costs associated with the action will be billed to the homeowner. Failure to pay will result in a collection agency, small claims court or a lien.

Hey All….Let’s have some fun with our newsletter!

I’d love to showcase YOU! I want photos, photos of you, a special occasion, new baby, vacation, home improvement…whatever you’re proud of and would like to share. Be sure to include a complete description, your name, address, and all details. Email it to me.

This is YOUR newsletter…I’d love to make it about you.

President’s Message

The older I get, time seems to fly by so fast I can’t get a handle on it. Just this year, I realized I can’t get all my projects done. So I’m starting to downsize. I’m a slow learner!

Take a mayonnaise jar, golf balls, small pebbles, sand and 2 cups of coffee. Fill up the jar with golf balls, then fill it up with the small pebbles, then add the sand till the jar is full and lastly add the two cups of coffee.

The jar is your life, golf balls are the important things—your family, your children, your health, your friends, your favorite passions. The small pebbles are the other things that matter – like your job, your house, your car. The sand is everything else—small stuff. If you put the sand in first, there won’t be room for the golf balls or pebbles. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you’ll never have room for the things that are important. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children or grand children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your wife husband/lover/friend to dinner. Maybe even play another 18 holds. There’s always time to clean the house or fix the disposal.

Take care of the golf balls first, the things that matter. Set your priorities. The rest is sand. The coffee can be poured into the jar even when it’s filled with the golf balls, small pebbles and sand.

No matter how full your life may seem there is always room for a cup of coffee, a beer or a glass of wine with a friend.

Enjoy the holidays and take time for yourself to recharge your battery. Look for your annual dues notice coming just after the 1st of January,2013.

Are you wanting to repair your driveway, add a patio or a walkway to your home?

Our first verified contractor is 360 Concrete Design. 360 is a local company owned by Anthony Coreghino and can be reached at (360) 870-3175 for quotes.

Quick Links

Architectural Application

Are you wanting to update or repair your home, add or modify your fence, gardens, or driveway? Download & submit this form. We aim for a quick turnaround!

HOA Documents

Are you looking for updated CC&RS, approved ByLaws, compliance and fee information, or other legal documents that govern our community? If so, start here!

VIS Group, Inc.

We are now centrally-connected through VIS Group Inc., a residential management company in Lacey, WA. Call (800) 537-9619 to leave a message or Email: VIS.